Duration : 30 Hours
Java is a high-level programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems and released in 1995. Java runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX.
This course introduces computer programming using the JAVA programming language with object-oriented programming principles. Emphasis is placed on event-driven programming methods, including creating and manipulating objects, classes, and using object-oriented tools such as the class debugger.
Three-Tier Client/Server Model
Creating and Executing SQL Statement
Working with Database MetaData
Servlet Interaction & Advanced Servlets
Reading Initialization Parameters
The javax.servlet.http package
Understanding the client-server model
Understanding web server software
Types of Enterprise Java beans
Container- managed Transactions
Implementing a container-managed entity bean
Introduction to the Apache Struts
Introduction to the struts Controller
Introduction to the struts action class
Using struts action form class
Introduction to Struts validator framework